How to Install Bluetooth in Your Car?
Bluetooth technology gives you control over the music you listen to in your car and lets you enjoy hands-free calling. There are a variety of ways to get Bluetooth in your car, ranging from simple adapters to fully integrated stereo systems.
Install Bluetooth With a Universal Kit
A universal kit is a quick and easy way to install a driver for a Bluetooth speaker and microphone system. Since they’re compatible with almost any vehicle, you can use them in different cars or simply move them when you get a new car. These kits usually have stand-alone speakers and microphones, and they are easy to mount on dashboards or clip to visors. Some kits only work well for calls and don’t interface with your car’s stereo. However, some kits offer wired connections so your car’s music system can play through the speakers. .
Install a Car Adapter
A car adapter connects to your car stereo, so you can effectively install a Bluetooth driver without replacing your entire audio system. These are usually built for specific vehicle models, so you have to make sure the adapter is compatible with your car. Some adapters are just built to handle calls. If you want to stream music, make sure the adapter can handle it. Although you’ll have to re-wire your car stereo to connect the device, these are still relatively uncomplicated to install. Just carefully follow the instructions included with the adapter.
Install an Aftermarket Stereo System
An aftermarket stereo system is an ideal way to get a Bluetooth system in your car that can handle both music streaming and calls. If you go this route, you’ll have to remove your car’s stereo and replace it with the new system. Depending on your technical skills, you may have to get someone to do this for you. However, the result is a seamless system without any boxes or clip-on adapters getting in the way. Once you figure out how to pair a Bluetooth device such as a smartphone, tablet or music player, you’ll be good to go.
Use a Bluetooth Receiver
If your car’s stereo has an auxiliary input, a simple Bluetooth receiver can be a cheap and easy way to get Bluetooth in your car. Just plug the receiver into the aux input and pair it with a device. The receiver connects with the device and plays audio through your car’s built-in speakers, and the microphone on your device can pick up audio for voice calls at the same time.
Use an FM Transmitter
If your car doesn’t have an aux input, an FM transmitter can be another installation-free option. The audio quality doesn’t tend to be as good as Bluetooth receivers offer, but they’re relatively inexpensive and easy to connect. To install one of these, just plug it into the cigarette lighter on your dashboard, choose a frequency that isn’t in use in your area, enter it into the transmitter and set your car radio to the frequency you chose. The transmitter connects to your device with Bluetooth and then transmits audio signals over FM radio. Your car then picks the signal up from your phone or MP3 player and plays it through your stereo system.